Performances: March 9, 16 & 23 @3pm
Written by Patricia Suárez | Directed by Claudio Aprile | Bilingual
Brimming with lively music and uproarious laughter, this bilingual play follows the gentleman from La Mancha and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, as they embark on a fresh series of misadventures. Join them as they defend the helpless, challenge convention, and stumble upon hilariously mistaken identities.
Llena de música y risas, esta pieza bilingüe sigue las aventuras del caballero de La Mancha y su inseparable amigo, Sancho Panza. Acompáñalos a defender a los indefensos y a desafiar los convencionalismos, al tiempo que se enfrentan a situaciones hilarantes de identidades erradas.