
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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The Art Goes On

The Art Goes On


Virtual Art Share Gives Art Lovers Forum For Creative Discussion

By Kia Lisby

COVID-19 has been a hindrance for many plans and expectations for 2020. Plans deferred until further notice, “back to normal life” is unknown, and the future is uncertain. But, through it all, some things remain constant and certain, and that includes art share.

Art Share is exactly what it sounds like. Sharing art.

About three years ago, Amanda Larsen formed an organization to give artists of all levels, ranging from amateurs to professionals, the ability to showcase their art. Amanda has a master’s in fine arts (MFA) degree in painting from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. Having graduated almost 10 years ago, she “missed the social aspect of school and having people look at work and discuss it.” She also “wanted to start a community for that purpose.” The missing comradery led Larsen to form an art share group based out of Greenbelt Community Center.


Before the global pandemic, art share would meet in person every month at the community center. Now, meetings are virtual just like many other organizations and events taking place during the pandemic. Though the scenery is different, the concept is the same. Participants still meet once a month via zoom on either a set day of a Friday evening or Sunday afternoon depending on the majority’s schedule availability.

Everyone participating in art share is asked to bring 1-3 pieces of their artwork to present and discuss in a friendly environment. Attendees range from 6 to10 people per call, of different levels of artistry.

A challenge faced in having to showcase art pieces on zoom is being able to familiarize artists on how to share their work on screen. Different pieces range in different sizes so, adapting and using alternative methods to show the work can be a task. Even though there are challenges faced through virtual art share, it’s still rewarding. Says Larsen: “seeing what people are working on and seeing art is inspiring as a person and as an artist.” She enjoys hearing the process and inspiration behind art pieces made by the artists.

The next virtual art share on Sept. 18, from 7 til 8 p.m. To participate is this event, any upcoming art shares, and to be a part of the email list, contact Larsen at alarsen@greenbeltmd.gov.

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Letting Go, Or Not

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