
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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When Stress Grabs A Hold

When Stress Grabs A Hold

Tips on How to Refresh From the Stress In Your Life

Stress isn't always a bad thing. In fact, in many cases, it may actually provide the motivation needed to do positive things such as prepare for a job interview or finish a project. However, with many of us leading busy and stressful lives, it's easy for stress to escalate. Over time too much stress can be detrimental to your health and put you at risk for chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease. 

Too Much Stress

How can you tell if you're under too much stress? Typical signs that you're experiencing too much stress may include: changes in sleep patterns, indigestion or changes in appetite, frequent mood swings, irritability, tearfulness, feeling anger or fits of rage, difficulty making decisions, lack of concentration or disorientation, deterioration of personal hygiene, anxiety, panic attacks, or feelings of angst. 


Dr. Tara Edwards-Booker

Dr. Tara Edwards-Booker

Dr. Tara Edwards-Booker, DO, an internal medicine specialist with Doctors Community Practices at Riverdale, shares a few tips to help us reduce or avoid stress while fulfilling our daily obligations. 

Meditate - Inhale and exhale. Take a few minutes each day to clear your mind and reflect on the positives in your life. Meditation can help you gain control of your thoughts while creating a sense of calm and peace.

Plan Ahead - Create a to-do list. Planning ahead can help you avoid making spontaneous and regrettable decisions that may later become sources of stress.

Stick to a Budget - Avoid shopping temptations. Sometimes, special sales or discounts seem too good to ignore. However, remember that money is the number one source of stress for many Americans. So, it is best to develop a budget and stick to it.

Eat Healthy - Resist the urge to overindulge and choose healthy snacks. Over eating and poor eating habits may create feelings of guilt and lead to stress.

Exercise - Make time to workout. Exercising can help you clear your mind and release “feel good” hormones known as endorphins. It can also help you lose those extra pounds.

Click here for more information on preventative health care information by Doctors Community Hospital.  

Early Detection is Key

Early Detection is Key

Kicking Butts!

Kicking Butts!