Knowing What’s Good For You
Photo: Amir Stoudamire
Maryland Delegates Woods And Valderrama Lead Health and Safety Panel Held In District 26
By Raoul Dennis
Photography By Amir Stoudamire
Delegate Jamila Woods was joined by colleagues Kris Valderrama and Maryland State Senator C. Anthony Muse Oct 19 at the Oxon Hill Library for what became a revealing discussion that left attendees gasping and in awe at the revelation made regarding crime, Alzheimer’s and other issues the county faces.
The panel consisted of members of numerous branches of local and state law enforcement and included contributions regarding physical and mental health issues and awareness.
Maryland Delegate Jamila Woods with Medical Technician Rodney Walker of Care Access. Medical screenings were provided Oct. 19 as part of the health and public safety forum. The next forum is planned for Jan 5, 2025. PHOTO: RAOUL DENNIS // PRINCE GEORGE’S SUITE MAGAZINE & MEDIA
Among other things, it was announced that Prince George’s County is considered the second highest county in the nation with residents suffering from Alzheimer’s. The astonishing update was shared by Dr. Flavia Batteau Walton who reported the results of a study by
Dr Walton. Photo: Amir Stoudamire // // PRINCE GEORGE’S SUITE MAGAZINE & MEDIA
“Every 65 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s,” said Dr. Walton in her presentation. She acknowledged that the county’s standing with the disease is particularly high, she suggests that there is no one reason for the deadly top three ranking.
The matter is critical and becoming more so, Walton warned. Alzheimer’s is diagnosed in victims at younger and younger ages each year. At current pace, white there are 87 million the US with it this year, there will be some 14 million battling Alzheimer’s by 2060. Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care and care costs $65,000 - $80,000 per year.
Mental health and wellness practitioner Lauren Jones, founder of the Propel Production Center, offered a presentation on mental health that included her work building a therapeutic garden. The effort provides food and the therapy of working in the soil. With the support of a grant from the county, Jones is creating a 50 ft. x 50 ft farming greenhouse in the county to give participants the opportunity to heal through growing.
Lauren Jones and daughter deliver the presentation. Photo: Amir Stoudamire // PRINCE GEORGE’S SUITE MAGAZINE & MEDIA
“iGrow stands for I Grow through Resilience, Opportunity and Wellness,” Jones said while bouncing her infant daughter on her hip and working through screens of her presentation. She discussed the values of multisensory Zen gardening and focused efforts around mental wellness.
Just outside the panel discussion a well-staffed mobile health vehicle sat outside the library conducting free health screenings coupled with $45 health gift cards.
The crime and safety portion of the event brought news of decreasing violent crime but the challenge of property theft and even a dramatic enactment of a crime for the audience to help resolve [See “On The Job: Policing Prince George’s 2024,” in November].
Olympic Boxer Jahmal Harvey. Photo: Amir Stoudamire // PRINCE GEORGE’S SUITE MAGAZINE & MEDIA
Other notables in attendance included County Council Chair Jolene Ivey, At Large County Councilmember Calvin Hawkins, State Senator C. Anthony Muse and County Councilmember Ed Burroughs. Olympic boxing athlete Jahmal Harvey, 21, a native Prince Georgian, was among the honored guests along with Rashon Robinson, a National Harbor based entrepreneur at Sip & Develop. His shop specializes in teaching photography film development. Both were honored at the occasion.
“Every single person who attended today was saying: ‘I learned something new today.’ Everybody had some type of aha moment. I think that's so significant,” Woods said.
“I give props to our team and to Delegate Woods because when it was her-- she was sharing as the new freshman legislator,” Valderrama said. “We’re all just trying to make sure the community knows what's going on. It is a little hard sometimes but it's worth the time to make sure that programs like this are implemented.”
The next forum is planned for Jan 5 2025
More to come on this event and Its Information. Watch This Space.