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Prince George’s County Public Schools Launches School Lunch Challenge In Wake of Gov Shutdown. Prince George’s County Firms Pitch In To Help Pay For Student Lunches.

This is the third in an ongoing series that will be provided by Prince George’s Suite Magazine and Media as this development continues to evolve. Watch this space.

By Hamil R. Harris

The Prince George’s County Public Schools has partnered with the nonprofit groups to cover the cost of providing 10,000 free meals to students whose parents have been impacted by the federal shut down.

Dr. Monica Goldson, Interim Chief Executive Officer of the Prince George’s County Public Schools, announced that the Excellence in Education Foundation for PGCPS, has started a “10,000 Meals Challenge Fund,” that will be used to help the children of federal workers who might be short on lunch money.

Dr Monica Goldson, Interim CEO, Prince George’s County Public Schools. // PHOTO RAOUL DENNIS, PRINCE GEORGE’S SUITE MAGAZINE & MEDIA

Dr Monica Goldson, Interim CEO, Prince George’s County Public Schools. // PHOTO RAOUL DENNIS, PRINCE GEORGE’S SUITE MAGAZINE & MEDIA

More than 800,000 federal workers have been impacted by a shut down now in its third week with no end in site.

President Trump and the Democrats in Congress have not been able to agree on Trump’s proposed border wall, which he linked to the normal budget process. On Thursday thousands of federal workers marched to the gates of the White House because today was the first time in recent history that they were not paid.

Earlier this week Goldson announced that any student impacted by the shutdown would receive the standard school lunch meal but after she made that announcement, she received offers from firms across Prince George’s County wanting to donate.

“Having grown up in this county, I was not surprised by the outpouring of love and support,” Goldson said in a statement. “ In times of need, our community comes together to do what we do best — lend a hand, help our neighbors and most importantly, make a difference in the lives of our children.”

Goldson went onto say the school system has collected $15,000 — enough to cover over 5,000 meals-because of donations from NAI Michael, Old Line Bank, Lanier Electronics, and Educational Systems Federal Credit Union.

Those wanting to support the effort can go to the Prince George’s County school system website and click the “10,000 Meals Challenge” button. Donations will be distributed to schools with the greatest demonstrated need.

Goldson expressed her appreciation for donations at this critical time and she concluded, “Together, we are making Prince George’s County Public Schools a model for caring and one we can all be proud of.”

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