
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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Maryland Strong

Maryland Strong

Our State Ranks In Top Three Of Best Fighters Against COVID -19 In The Nation

According to a recent WalletHub survey, Maryland is one of the top three states in the nation rated toughest against COVID-19.

California and New York, in that order, are the only two states considered tougher against the virus than Maryland. Mississippi is rated the least aggressive in the nation in that category. The survey results recognize the speed, efficiency and aggressive effort made by local and state leaders to inform their residents and act decisively to prevent the spread of the virus.

Maryland, California and New York have been highly aggressive in the fight to inform and slow the spread of COVID-19.

“Some of the key reasons why California is the most aggressive state against the coronavirus include the closure of schools, bars and restaurants in the state, as well as the statewide shelter-in-place order currently in effect. California is also one of the states now requiring early prescription refills,” said WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez in a post-survey Q&A March 23.

Here are other areas Maryland excelled nationally in the survey:

Aggressiveness Against the Coronavirus in Maryland (1=Best, 25=Avg.):

    1st – Epidemiology Workforce per Capita

    11th – At-Risk Population – Share of Elderly Population

    14th – Share of Uninsured Population

    19th – Public Healthcare Spending per Capita

   29th – Total Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Funding Per Capita

For more details and to view the survey, click here

Stopping The Spread

Stopping The Spread

Update: The County And The Fight Against Coronavirus

Update: The County And The Fight Against Coronavirus