
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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Hardest Hit Workers

Hardest Hit Workers

Partnership Offers Some Relief to Hourly Paid Workers Laid Off in Prince George’s County

Some of the hardest-hit victims of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) are the ones who have not caught it.

Between the closure of non-essential businesses and stay-at-home orders created to stop or slow down the spread of COVID-19, the nation has seen a historic spike in the unemployment rate as it reached 17% in the past two weeks., bringing the total claims for unemployment to 9.95 million during that period. Hourly workers who have lost their employment are in the worst spot financially.

Employ Prince George’s (EPG) has partnered with the Greater Washington Community Foundation to launch the Prince George’s County COVID-19 Hourly Employee Relief Fund. The fund will provide $200 Visa Cash Cards to 2,000+ low-wage hourly workers laid off in Prince George’s County due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This fund was established with $100,000 in funding from the Greater Washington Community Foundations COVID-19 Emergency Respond Fund and a $100,000 match from Employ Prince George’s.

According to the American Payroll Association, nearly 3 in 4 American workers would have difficulty paying their bills if they missed just one paycheck. With thousands of Prince George’s County residents being laid off specifically hourly low-wage workers, thousands of Prince George’s County households are in danger of experiencing immediate poverty. The Prince George’s County COVID-19 Hourly Employee Relief Fund, was created to provide a small amount of relief to these households, by possibly helping with a bill, gas, or groceries for the family.

“Our goal is to raise a minimum of $500,000, which will provide immediate assistance to over 2,000 residents. Employ Prince George’s understands that businesses across the region are experiencing massive decreases in revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic and we have created this fund to assist the employees who have been laid off, while simultaneously supporting local businesses with the money that will be disbursed and spent in the County,” said Employ Prince George’s President and CEO, Walter L. Simmons.

Employ Prince George’s will seek out donations from stable businesses, interest groups, and individuals in the weeks ahead. “We are in unprecedented times, including times of great economic uncertainty, but we are asking for everyone to help those most in need and those most likely to experience immediate poverty. These crucial initial investments will aid our community and help our residents address those urgent and dire needs, such as food, utilities, and transportation,” said Simmons.

Visa Cash cards will be distributed by Employ Prince George’s staff to Prince George’s county low-wage hourly workers who apply for assistance. Payments will be coordinated through partnerships and communications with businesses that have laid off employees and Unemployment Insurance Benefit claimant referrals from the Maryland Department of Labor.

“We are the bridge between job seekers and businesses,” said Simmons, “even through these economic hardships, Employ Prince George’s is dedicated to partnering and meeting the needs of those negatively affected by this pandemic. When we say #weAreEPG, it is more than a hashtag for us, it is our motto. During this time, we are here to help. You have resources, you have us. Employ Prince George’s is committed to Prince George’s County.”

Prince George’s County residents who are in need and have been laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic can apply for assistance at www.employpgedge.com beginning on Monday, April 6th. Preference will be given to those who were making less than $19 an hour.

Employ Prince George’s has established an opportunity for individuals to donate online via PayPal. To make your tax-deductible donation to the Prince George’s County COVID-19 Hourly Employee Relief Fund, please visit https://www.employpg.org/how-you-can-help/ or email Jamie Gunnell, Directory of Community Development at JNGunnell@co.pg.md.us.

Prepping For A Surge

Prepping For A Surge

