
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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Memorial Day 2021: The County Honors And Shares Tribute

Memorial Day 2021: The County Honors And Shares Tribute

Dedication for County Veterans And Virtual Concert Memorial Day Weekend

On Monday, May 31, the City of District Heights will hold the Veterans Park Dedication. After many years of planning, design and construction, veterans and community members have an area to reflect and find peace.

The dedication culminates the efforts of retired Mayor Jack Sims; the late Ulysses Currie, former State Senator-District 25; Angela Angel, former Delegate-District 25; George W. Owings, III, Secretary, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs; Commissioners Harryette Irving and Cynthia Miller, and the many hours of work and planning of the Veterans Park Committee and a host of others.

Some of the invited guests are Robert Finn, Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs; State Senator Melony G. Griffith-District 25; Delegate Dereck E. Davis-District 25; Delegate Darryl Barnes-District 25; Delegate Nick Charles-District 25; Council Chair Calvin S. Hawkins II–Member-At-Large; Councilmember Mel Franklin-Member-At-Large; Councilmember Derrick Leon Davis -District 6; and Dr. James A. Dula, PhD, Veterans Affairs Officer, Prince George’s County.

The Park is located at Kipling Parkway Spur and Marbury Drive in District Heights, Maryland. The ceremony begins at 11:30am.

For more information contact: Mr. Timothy Fitzgerald at (301) 537-2844 or fitzgeraldtc@gmail.com.

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Passing the People’s Budget

Passing the People’s Budget