
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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A Memorial Day Message

A Memorial Day Message

Remember Those We Have Lost On The Battlefield And Remember Their Families Whose Loss Is Forever

By Mel Franklin

Mel Franklin is an At Large Prince George’s County Councilmember.

On this Memorial Day 2020, let’s pause to remember and honor the incredible sacrifices of the men and women in our armed forces who gave their lives in defense of the freedoms and liberties that we hold so dear.

Throughout our nation’s history, at home and abroad, these brave and selfless heroes have been called to protect us from the evils of tyranny, slavery, fascism and terrorism. Even today, in the midst of this terrible coronavirus pandemic, our brave men and women in the military remain steadfast in their duty to defend our nation and its values.

Let us also remember to keep their families in our thoughts and prayers. We know that for those who’ve lost loved ones on the battlefield, this holiday is a very difficult one of reflecting on cherished memories while dealing with a loss that never truly goes away.

May God bless and comfort those families. Memorial Day should always be a day of reflection, honor and remembrance of our fallen heroes so that we and generations that follow us will never forget their ultimate sacrifice. May God’s blessings always be upon you, your family, Prince George’s County, and our Nation.

The Death of George Floyd and the National Unrest Gripping Our Nation

The Death of George Floyd and the National Unrest Gripping Our Nation

Service To Our Fallen and Veterans Starts At Home

Service To Our Fallen and Veterans Starts At Home