Celebrate A Colorful Pride
The Theme “Still We Are Colorful” Honors LGBTQ+ Tradition, Resiliency and Creativity
It’s Pride month! The largest LGBTQ+ event in the DMV – Capital Pride – is back this year as a hybrid event on Saturday, June 12. This year’s theme is fittingly, “Still we are colorful” as Capital Pride is arguably and traditionally one of the most colorful and creative events of the year.
Forty-six years since the founding of what was initially called Gay Pride Day, the Washington, D.C. celebration will have both in-person and virtual segments, ensuring that everyone who wants to take part in Capital Pride, can do so at their own comfort level. Safeguards are in place for in-person celebrations.
There is an expectation that this year’s festival is sure to draw large crowds – maybe not as large as the 400,000 attendees in 2019, but large for a pandemic year that’s just re-opening and re-imagining as regional dwellers come together in community to celebrate resilience and overcoming not just the daily struggles of living authentically, but of a stressful lockdown due to COVID-19 in 2020, forcing creative juices to flow virtually.
Whether celebrating in person or online, the highlight of the month-long Capital Pride events this year will arguably be the first Colorful Pridemobile Parade – a caravan of cars decorated with colorful Pride signs and displays that will begin at 3pm at Dupont Circle and end at Freedom Plaza, 1339 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. Pridemobile will be just one of at least one dozen exciting Capital Pride events this weekend alone.
Capital Pride DC / Twitter
The parade will be preceded by a Pride Walk and Rally that will be led by Mayor Muriel Browser. The community is being asked to join her at 12:30pm at Dupont Circle to commence the walk/rally. The Pridemobile Parade will follow. Please RSVP at 2021CapitalPride.Eventbrite.com.
Click here for more information and a schedule of Capital Pride events. Check Prince George’s Suite Magazine & Media’s calendar of events for other Pride events held throughout the month of June in the DMV.
Make this a happy and colorful Pride!