Renewing The Flame Of The BSU Torch
Dr. Aminta Breaux Steps Into Leadership At Bowie State University
The setting for her arrival was perfect.
Dr. Breaux applauds as fundraising plans are announced.
The new Center for Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Nursing Building on the campus of Bowie State University is less than two months old. The state of the art, environmentally friendly, light and air adjusting reception hall provided the perfect setting for Dr. Aminta Breaux’ July 19 introduction to the donor community.
“My first priority is to the students,” Breaux said. “Anyone who knows me knows that students are always my first commitment.”
The new president is eager to evolve the University’s image and the great things that are happening at BSU. She worked the room. Applying great attention to detail in each conversation as she slightly leaned in to be sure she took in each point with care.
“We want to work closely with all our partners to get the word out that we are truly a 21st century global institution,” she said.
Dr. Breaux is Bowie State’s 10th president and the first woman to hold the position. She comes to the University at a cresting point for Bowie State and the county. The University is enjoying a positive momentum: the performing arts building is also a new addition, a new endowed chair has been established, enrollment is up and the institution celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2015. The anniversary marks BSU as one of the oldest Historically Black Colleges And Universities in the nation. The county is on the fast-track to becoming one of the leading destinations in Maryland.
But Breaux has more than 30 years’ experience in higher education in numerous positions, including the executive levels. Breaux has insightful analytical ability coupled with a warm, personal touch. She will seek to put the University in line with regional and national decision makers and stakeholders who will further Maryland’s growth – especially that of the Washington DC metro area.
She hasn’t selected a home here yet, but insiders are already noticing Breaux’ sharp intellect and willingness to build on BSU’s best trends and to carefully reevaluate that which needs adjustment and redirection.