
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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Who’s Minding The Brain?

Who’s Minding The Brain?

The Libraries To The Summer Rescue

Just about the time the June bugs appear at night, and summer storms cool the afternoon heat, the young people are getting ready to be free of classes. Free of homework, band practice, after-school sports, homework, after-school study hall, parent – teacher meetings, gym class and oh, homework.  There will be a rest from geometry, history, geography, science, and all of the other college preparatory classes.  And there may be a little time to sleep later in the morning.  There will be camps, vacations, part-time jobs (for those old enough), summer chores, and lots of physical activities.

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But who is minding the brain? Besides music videos, video games, mukbangs and James Charles’ YouTube war with Tati, what mental stimuli will keep the brain ready for the return to academia?

The Prince George’s County Memorial Library System is ready and open year round with 19 libraries throughout the county: Accokeek, Baden, Beltsville, Bladensburg, Bowie, Fairmount Heights, Glenarden, Greenbelt, Hillcrest Heights, Hyattsville, Largo-Kettering, Laurel, Mount Rainier (Closed for building repairs), New Carrollton, Oxon Hill, South Bowie, Spauldings, Surratts-Clinton, and Upper Marlboro.

Open to readers of all ages, the library system offers a huge selection of books including ComicsPlus that offers such favorites as Peanuts, Transformers, My Little Pony, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Trek, Angry Birds and Avatar to name a few.  For kids & teens there is the 2019 Summer @ Your Library: A Universe of Stories from May 13 to August 19. There are digital services, E-books, Audiobooks. One can download the Library app for ease of access from a mobile device. There are hobbies and crafts, and genealogy research. There is so much to do at the local libraries that summer will be gone before all can be explored.

The old saying, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” does not apply to Prince George’s County and their library system. They are ready for the summer and for their readers.



Support To Those Who Aid Communities

Support To Those Who Aid Communities

Creating Joy From The Inside, Out

Creating Joy From The Inside, Out