A Trail Of Good Times

College Park, Hyattsville, and Riverdale Park Residents Celebrated 3.8 Miles Of Trail Haven At Trolley Trail Day
Story And Photography By N’tuma Kamara
During Trolley Trail Day, community members and organizations gathered under the mild summer heat to celebrate the 3.8-mile trail connecting the Baltimore Avenue Communities.
Activities commenced with a run led by RunnersHy at Vigilante Coffee in Hyattsville. At 10 AM, cyclists, geared up in helmets and propped up on bicycles, lined up in front of Proteus Bicycles at Hollywood Shopping Center in College Park as Owner Laurie and Husband Jeff reviewed the itinerary before leading the ride along the scenic trail.
Meanwhile, others sauntered toward the Hollywood Farmers Market across the parking lot, where vendors displayed their merchandise—savory foods, baked treats, farm-grown vegetables, homemade jewelry, and more. Guests strolled about, visiting tents and conversing. The band Skill Issues, formed by University of Maryland College Park students, treated guests to a live performance.
Husband and Wife Juan and April and their two children were among the families at the farmer's market. April said of the event, "We wanted to make sure that we came out and were able to take the kids and see all the vendors and support our community."
At one end of the farmers market, a Proetus Bicycle employee heartily motioned for guests to come to her tent to play a version of cornhole. Men, women, parents, and children threw bean bags at helmets strung on a wooden plank to win a sticker. Sebastian, an avid cyclist, was one of the lucky winners. He shared his excitement about cycling again after a long hiatus and planned to put his sticker on his bike.
In Hyattsville, cyclists rode through the newly added trolley trail segment, which has made it safer for bikers, runners, and walkers to commute along Route 1. Across the intersection, guests sat on lawn chairs and grass at Melrose Skate Park listening to blues by Archie Edwards Blues Foundation, while Hyattsville Mayor Robert Croslin, joined by his wife and others conversed under the tents of area organizations.
Friends Marta and Maureen, Hyattsville residents and participants in a bike ride with Arrow Bicycles, said of their experience, "It's been really pleasant. It's a great opportunity to come out, enjoy the assets in the area, and catch up with friends. It's been a while since we've all been able to catch up, so this was a great meeting point for us. We all like to bike. There's a lot of great shops in the area, so we're going to be scoping them out."