
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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County Agencies Receive Five National Achievement Awards At Nevada Conference

Updated: July 23, 2019 // 1:50 p.m.

The Department of Social Services won two achievement awards, bringing the county’s 2019 total to five. The two most recent awards went to the AFFIRM Program, supporting LGBTQ foster care youth and the Child Protection Education Unit.


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During the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2019 Annual Conference and Exposition in Las Vegas, Nevada, three Prince George’s County government agencies were recognized, receiving national awards honoring innovative, effective county government programs that enhance services for residents.

The NACo Annual Conference & Exposition is the largest meeting of county elected and appointed officials from across the county. More than 3,000 county leaders convene during the annual event, adopting positions on pressing federal policies affecting counties and exchanging innovative solutions to challenges facing American communities.

It awards areas of growth and excellence to counties across the nation.

Prince George’s County 2019 awardees are the Department of Corrections, the Department of the Environment and the Office of Community Relations.

“We are Prince George’s Proud to receive these awards that show Prince George’s County is an innovative leader not just locally, but nationally as well,” County Executive Angela Alsobrooks said. “We will continue to work smart, efficiently and effectively to bring quality resources and services to our citizens.” 

The Department of Corrections’ Employee Support Unit earned a 2019 Achievement Award in the Personnel Management, Employment and Training category for its innovation and effectiveness. Correctional facilities across the country face similar issues with staff in regard to a higher risk for addiction, depression, anxiety, domestic violence and diabetes. 

The unit combats these issues by using a holistic approach to meet the needs of staff members through an onsite staff psychology coordinator, peer support, workshops and support groups. The program also engages family members of correctional employees, who often share their stress and bear the burden of difficult work hours. The department hosts family tours throughout the year to give family members an opportunity to see the inner workings of the jail, as well as address their concerns. 

The Department of the Environment received a 2019 Achievement Award for its program entitled “Piloting Food Scrap Collection to Improve Organic Waste Recovery at the County Level” in the category of County Resiliency: Infrastructure, Energy and Sustainability.

A recent Waste Characterization Report commissioned by the county, determined that 31.3% of the waste currently disposed at the Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill was comprised of food and other compostable materials. The Prince George’s County Food Scrap Composting Pilot Program launched in 2013 as a year-long pilot for 500 county households receiving residential curbside waste collection services and was developed to assist the county in its ongoing waste diversion and zero waste goals. The diverted materials are accepted and composted at the Prince George’s Organics Composting Facility, which is the largest municipal facility on the east coast. The food scraps are combined with the county’s collected yard trim and composted into a nutrient-rich landscape product called Leafgro®.   

The Prince George’s County Office of Community Relations’ 311 on the Go! received a 2019 Achievement Award for Civic Engagement and Public Information. 311 on the Go! is designed to be the bridge that connects citizens, businesses and visitors to county information and resources.  

The program focuses on increasing citizen engagement and building a more informed public.  This is accomplished by using various community outreach methods in unique and different ways. 

“By partnering with other county government agencies and County Council representatives, we are working to equip residents with the tools and resources that will help improve overall quality of life,” reported the office of the county executive in a recent release.  

“Through efforts such as our “311 Day of Action” events, the Office of Community Relations brings county government to where our citizens live, shop and play.  311 on the Go! strives to advocate for the needs of all Prince George’s County residents and be the eyes, ears and voice of Prince George’s County Government in the community.”

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