Only Voters Choose Presidents
Maryland Governor Shares Statement Challenging Elected Officials Who Plan To Stand Against Election Outcome
By Larry Hogan
Throughout my lifetime, American democracy has been a beacon of light across the world. Freedom-loving people have marveled at America because the people—not the politicians—elect the president, and the politicians respect the result.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan
The scheme by members of Congress to reject the certification of the presidential election makes a mockery of our system and who we are as Americans.
President Trump and his team have had every opportunity to provide evidence supporting their claims, and they have failed to do so. Their allegations have been flatly rejected by Trump-appointed judges and a Trump-appointed Justice Department alike.
All 50 states have now certified the presidential election. Governors, judges, and Secretaries of State have all done their job, regardless of the political consequences.
Whether or not you like the result, the process worked as it always has. What’s not working is that far too many politicians in Washington seem to have forgotten the basic principle that they are beholden to the people, not the other way around.
Larry Hogan is Governor of the State of Maryland.