It Was A Good Session
Delegate Darryl Barnes Acknowledges The Gains Of The 2021 Legislative Session For African American Communities
By Darryl Barnes
Del. Darryl Barnes
The 2021 Legislative Session has ended! I am truly proud of the accomplishments this session under the leadership of Delegate Adrian Jones, Speaker of the House and Senator Bill Ferguson, President of the Senate and my colleagues in the House and Senate.
As Chairman of the Legislative Black Caucus, I am pleased to say that this session we passed the most comprehensive legislation positively impacting the African American communities and businesses within our district and the state of Maryland with the enactment of the historic settlement of $577 million dollars for our HBCU’s in Maryland. Also, we heard the cries of our people in the state of Maryland and across this country in the wake of the death of George Floyd and many other African Americans. This session, we passed police reform legislation that has gained national recognition. We support those in uniform but will continue to fight to eradicate systematic racism embedded within the police departments.
It’s a pleasure to serve the residents of the 25th District and the state of Maryland! Even though the session has ended, our team continues to work for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling the office at 301-858-3557 or by email at
Delegate Darryl Barnes represents Maryland’s 25th District. He is also Chairman, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, Inc.