Passage of the Second Chance Act of 2021
Prince George’s County Council Member At-Large Mel Franklin’s Statement on the Council Bill Establishes Re-entry Employment Incentive Program
At Large county Council member Mel Franklin
On May 18, 2021, the County Council enacted Council Bill 19 2021 (CB-19-2021), known as the Second Chance Act of 2021. This legislation, co-proposed by Council Member At-Large Mel Franklin and Council Chair and At-Large Member Calvin Hawkins, and co-sponsored by eight other Council Members, establishes the Prince George’s County Re-entry Employment Incentive Program, an incentive program for employers to hire county residents who have been incarcerated in the criminal justice system. Today, Council Member Franklin released the following statement:
“Improving access to employment is one of the most critical steps we can take to prevent our returning citizens from returning to the criminal justice system and build productive lives in our community. The Second Chance Act of 2021, when fully implemented and funded, will be an effective tool to reduce crime and repeat offenses while reducing unemployment for many of our most vulnerable residents. This legislation is a win-win-win for improving lives, reducing crime, and increasing employment for our residents.”
The Prince George’s County Re-Entry Employment Incentive Program, once implemented, will award county employers $5.00 per hour for each hour worked by a formerly incarcerated county resident up to 1000 hours per employee, per year. The employment positions must pay at least $15.00 per hour and consist of at least 21 hours per week. Staff for County Executive Angela Alsobrooks expressed her support for the legislation prior to its passage and she is expected to sign the bill. The Prince George's County Re-Entry Advisory Board also reviewed and gave input and support for the legislation.