
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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Clean Up, Green Up Now and In 2023

Clean Up, Green Up Now and In 2023

County Executive Angela Alsobrooks’ Cleaner Environment Initiatives

By Angela D. Alsobrooks // Prince George’s County Executive

*This article was featured in Angela Alsobrooks’ e-newsletter on December 27, 2022


As residents have seen, we have placed a heavy emphasis on cleaning up and greening up Prince George’s County to create beautiful neighborhoods and communities. An unclean neighborhood is not only unsightly, but it can also be a health hazard. Litter attracts pests which can spread diseases. By investing in initiatives to clean up our surroundings, we can ensure a healthy environment for everyone. These initiatives have been making a huge impact on our goal of keeping our environment clean. 

The County is in the process of delivering one wheeled green cart and one kitchen pail to over 60,000 eligible households as part of the Curbside Composting program expansion! Our curbside composting program has made this endeavor as easy as 1-2-3! Residents can simply place food scraps and garden trimmings into their green cart on wheels for collections on Mondays. A How-To Guide and FAQs can be found online at mypgc.us/compost. 

Department of Public Works and Transportation crews have been out cleaning litter and debris on County roadways for months during their Litter and Mowing Blitz. They have collected over 587 tons of litter in three months. Please help us keep our county clean; do not throw trash out of your car window or while walking down the street. 

PGCLitterTRAK makes it easy for community groups, businesses, neighborhoods and residents to join our litter collection efforts. To learn more, visit: https://bit.ly/PGCLitterTRAK.

Creating and maintaining a clean environment makes for a more beautiful Prince George’s County, reduces pollution, preserves our biosphere, protects our flora and fauna, and helps preserve our natural resources. Let’s all do our part to care for our neighborhoods, our County, and our planet.

Hoyer Statement On The 50th Anniversary Of Roe v. Wade

Hoyer Statement On The 50th Anniversary Of Roe v. Wade

Hoyer Floor Remarks in Support of the Respect for Marriage Act

Hoyer Floor Remarks in Support of the Respect for Marriage Act