
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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Rolling With The Big Hogs

Rolling With The Big Hogs

VFW 9376 Breaks Out The Big Bikes to Pay Tribute to Fallen Heroes

By Raoul Dennis

SGM Michael J. Eason became All-American Post Commander of VFW 9376 with a clear agenda: Get the community more engaged with the post.

He wasted no time.

If you meet VFW Post Commander Eason and he gets you on his phone text contact list, he’s got you.

You get invitations to the fish frys, the dances and the steak dinner nights.

This weekend is especially compelling as the VFW members head up the Veterans Motorcycle Charity Ride/Community Day Apr. 6.

Over 100 bikers and veterans will mount up to the Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery to lay a wreath in memory of fallen men and women in defense of the nation. Under police escort, the motorcycle motorcade is expected to draw attention and make the statement that “we are here as a part of this community,” Eason says.

They will return to the post at 9600 Brandywine Road in Clinton by noon for a cook–out, games, shopping with local and regional vendors, face painting, health and insurance updates, horseback riding and message from county leaders – including County Executive Angela Alsobrooks.

Roll Free, Roll On But Remember

Roll Free, Roll On But Remember

What It Is, What It Was, What It Will Be, Dig?

What It Is, What It Was, What It Will Be, Dig?