
Prince George's Suite Magazine is an award-winning lifestyle publication that publishes six times per year. It's mission is to tell the story of Prince George's County and it's residents, to shed light on the best and brightest in the country and to offer positive lifestyle options to those who live, work and play in the region.   

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Strengthening the Safety Net

Strengthening the Safety Net

Prince George's County Council Announces Second Consecutive Year of Domestic Violence Grant Funding for Local Nonprofits

The Prince George’s County Council has reaffirmed its commitment to heighten awareness, strengthen the County’s safety net, and enhance the effectiveness of nonprofit partners by appropriating $500,000 in FY 2018 to domestic violence programs in Prince George’s County for a second consecutive year.

The Prince George’s County Council Grant Program provides funding support to programs that serve the housing, counseling or advocacy needs of County residents who are victims of domestic violence. The program also supports prevention activities through a coordinated and collaborative community response to domestic violence in the County. The Council has invested $1 million County dollars in grant funding to fight domestic violence, including $500,000 in FY 2017 to 11 nonprofits.

Prince George’s County Council Chair Davis says County government must work comprehensively and collectively with the nonprofit community to effectively support victims of domestic violence.

“During the Council’s first round of grant funding, there was a great deal of enthusiasm in our nonprofit community and we want to keep the momentum going. We cannot effectively address the issue of domestic violence in our communities with a silo mentality. A community working together is the only way we can work towards effectively addressing and ending domestic violence in Prince George’s County.”

For additional information on the Council’s Domestic Violence Grant Program, including the application and process timeline, visit http://pgccouncil.us/DVGP

Starting The Race

Starting The Race

Where There Is Hope

Where There Is Hope